The Mother Plane

Our Mother Plane (Supreme Wisdom Department)

1. The Mother Plane is made of the finest steel in Asia.

2. It was made on the Island of Nippon (Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year.

3. Black, Brown, Red and Yellow Scientists built the Mother Plane.

4. The Scientists did not know what they were building.

5. Her size is Half-mile by Half-mile square.

6. Her shape is oval.

7. Her speed is up to 9,000 miles per hour.

8. Her flying ability is nine thousand (9,000) miles per hour in any direction, up or down, to or fro, in any direction without making a complete directional turn.

9. Her contents are 1,500 small circular planes, as the devil calls them, "Flying Saucers."

10. These small planes carry three (3) bombs each, they also shoot flames of fire.

11. The Black men who pilot these small planes have been taught from the age of six that they are to do a special job.

12. These pilots can hit any spot in America, blindfolded, as the Devil will soon see.

13. The bombs that the small planes contain weigh two tons each.

14. They are designed to drill into the Earth upon contact, and drill from one (1) to six (6) miles through stone and rock, and to explode, destroying civilization or any living matter (or life) within a fifty (50) mile radius.

15. After these bombs explode, a poisonous gas is found to snuff out the remaining life, if any still exists.

16. The purpose of the Mother Plane is to destroy the most wicked place ever to be on the planet Earth at any time (America, the Great Mystery Babylon).

17. Her position is 40 miles out from the Earth's sphere.

18. She holds this position from 6 to 12 months at a time. When this time is up, the Mother Plane comes into the atmosphere to take in fresh air for our Brothers inside, then she retakes her position.

19. At the dropping of the bombs, the flames will reach twelve (12) miles, in all directions.

20. When the destruction comes, America will burn 390 years and take 610 years to cool off. The Great Mystery Babylon (America) will perish in the flames of fire. Allah will even cause the air which we breathe to ignite along with the atmosphere. Every atom will burn in and over America from a height of twelve (12) miles down.


Judgment Day

The country of America will be littered with leaflets from the sky, with readings like this; "You have from eight (8) to ten (10) days to return unto your own. The time of this world is at hand." The leaflets will be written in both English and Arabic, so God (Allah) taught me. After the warning from the sky will follow total destruction by the intense heat of fire.

It is dangerous to declare was and opposition against God (Allah). It is foolish to think that you have the power and the skill to block God's Plan; it is foolish. Today, America's Government is trying to absolutely hide the knowledge of what she sees and what she hears of the truth. As God (Allah) has said to me, and I have taught it to you, that there is a plane in the sky above America, made like a wheel, which is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel 10th Chapter, 1st Verse; that he saw it in a vision, that it rose up from the Earth so high that it looked dreadful, and that there was nothing above it except the starry canopy.

Today, that Plane is in the air and the scientists and the astronomers of America, have seen it here. Mr. Khowule, an ex-General of the United States Armed Forces of America, bears me witness that it is up there, and have dotted around America's planes in the sky, her in America. He wrote a book on it and condemns America for keeping it a secret. But the Government wants to make it all a lie, that there is nothing like this going on, that there is no truth to no flying saucers! Maybe there is no truth to no 'NATURAL FLYING SAUCER," but there is plenty of truth to CIRCULAR PLANES! ! ! Planes made like a wheel up in the sky! ! ! There's plenty of truth to that, and the scientists and astronomers bear me witness here in America, that it's up there.

The Mother Plane was shown to me, now 30 years ago, by God Himself (Master Fard Muhammad). I have seen this Plane and have sketched it many times. As Almighty God (Allah) sketched it to me, I followed the sketching of His. Today, you would like to dismiss it as a lie, but those who peep through the glass (the telescope) and see this plane, do not consider it a lie.

With my own eyes, along with my wife, and my sons, and my laborers with me and other people here in Phoenix this year, in May, stood and looked at that same Plane dotting through the sky. An absolute Man-Made-Planet, moving at such terrific speed that you could hardly imagine it; flickering amid the stars of Heaven. Out of the reaches of your (the Devil's) fire, you can't reach it, you can't shoot it down; it's impossible! You can't go to it, you can't capture it; it's impossible! I say, my listeners, "Know that the doom, the Judgment approaches. Know that it is time to repent.


FBI Interview (September 20, 1942)

Allah has taught that the blueprints of a plane which carried bombs was given to the Japanese from the holy city of Mecca, and that these blueprints had been there for thousands of years. These bombs would go into the Earth for at least a mile and would throw up earth to a distance of one mile, so that it would make a mountain. 


Pittsburgh Courier (December 14, 1957)

The final war between Allah (God) and the devils is dangerously close. The very least amount of friction can bring it into action within minutes. There is no such thing as getting ready for this most terrible and dreadful war; they are ready. Preparation of the battle between man and man or nations has been made and carried out on land and water for the past 6,000 years. Man has now become very wise and has learned many secrets of nature, which makes the old battle with swords, bows and arrows look like child's play. 

Since 1914, which was the end of the time given to the devils (white race) to rule the original people (Black Nation), man has been preparing for a final showdown in the skies. He has made a remarkable advancement in everything pertaining to a deadly destructive war in the sky, but Allah, the Best of Planners, having a perfect knowledge of His enemies, prepared for their destruction long ago even before they were created. Thanks to Allah, to whom eternal praise is due, Who came in the flesh and the blood: He has been for more than seventy years making Himself ready for the final war. 

Allah, whom we praise, comes in the person of Master W.F. Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, expected by the Muslims, and the anti-Christs (the devils) under the names: Son of Man, Jesus Christ, Messiah, God, Lord, Jehovah, the Last (Jehovah) and the Christ. These meanings are good and befitting as titles, but the meaning of His name "Mahdi," as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an Sharrieff 22: 54, is better. All of these names refer to Him. His name, Fard Muhammad, is beautiful in its meaning. He must bring an end to war, and the only way to end war between man and man is to destroy the war-maker (the troublemaker). 

According to the history of the white race (devils), they are guilty of making trouble, causing war among the people and themselves ever since they have been on our planet Earth. So, the God of the righteous has found them disagreeable to live with in peace, and has decided to remove them from the face of the Earth. God does not have to tell us that they are disagreeable to live with in peace; we already know it, for we are the victims of these trouble- makers. Allah will fight this war for the sake of His people (the black people), and especially for the American so-called Negroes. As I have said time and again, we the so-called American Negroes, will be the lucky ones. We are Allah's choice to give life and we will be put on top of civilization. 

Read your “poison book” (the Bible). What does your book say concerning the preparation of God against the devil? Take a look at Ezekiel’s vision of it, 595 B.C. “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were open and I saw visions of God. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with four faces. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes around about them four” (Chapter 1:1, 2, 15, 18.)

It was on the fourth of July, 1930 when the Great Mahdi, Allah in person, made His appearance among us. 

Hurry and join onto your own kind. The time of this world is at hand. 


Pittsburgh Courier (December 21, 1957)

The vision of Ezekiel's wheel in a wheel in the sky is true if carefully understood. There is a similar wheel in the sky today which very well answers the description of Ezekiel's vision. This wheel corresponds in a way with the sphere of spheres called the universe. The Maker of the universe is Allah (God) the Father of the black nation which includes the brown, yellow, and red people. The Great Wheel, which many of us see in the sky today is not so much a wheel as one may think in such 

terms, but rather a place made like wheel. The like of this wheel-like plane was never seen before. You cannot build one like it and get the same results. Your brains are limited. If you would make one to look like it, you could not get it up off the earth into outer space. The similar Ezekiel's wheel is a masterpiece of mechanics. Maybe I should not say the wheel is similar to Ezekiel’s vision of a wheel, but that Ezekiel's vision has become a reality. His vision of the wheel included hints on the Great Wisdom of Almighty God (Allah); that really He is the Maker of the universe, and reveals just where and how the decisive battle would take place (in the sky). 

When guns and shells took the place of the sword, man's best defense against such weapons was a trench (ditch). Poison gas and liquid fire brought him out. Today, he has left the surface for the sky to destroy his enemy by dropping and exploding bombs on each other. All this was known in the days of Ezekiel, and God revealed it to him, that through Ezekiel we might know what to expect at the end of this world. 

The Originator and his people (the original black people) are supremely wise. Today, we see the white race preparing for the sky battle to determine who shall remain and rule the earth, black or white. In the battle between God and the disbelievers in the days of Noah, the victor's weapon was water. He used fire in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the battle against Pharaoh, He used ten different weapons, which included fire and water, hail stones and great armies of the insect world and droughts and finally plagued them with death. 

The Holy Qur’an says: "The chastisement of Pharaoh was like that which God would use against His enemies in the last days." Throughout the Bible and Holy Qur’an’s teaching on the judgment and destruction of the enemies, fire will be used as the last weapon. The earth's greatest arms are fire and water. The whole of its atmosphere is made up of fire and water and gasses. It serves as a protected coat of arms against any falling fragments from her neighbors. Ezekiel saw a wheel in the middle of a wheel. This is true, there are wheels in the wheel. 

The present wheel-shaped plane known as the Mother of Planes, is one-half mile by a half mile and is the largest mechanical man-made object in the sky. It is a small human planet made for the purpose of destroying the present world of the enemies of Allah. The cost to build such a plane is staggering! The finest brains were used to build it. She is capable of staying in outer space six to twelve months at a time without coming into the earth's gravity. It carries fifteen hundred bombing planes with most deadliest explosives-the type used in bringing up mountains on the earth. The very same method is to be used in the destruction of this world. 


Pittsburgh Courier (December 28, 1957)

And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. They see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory: (St. Luke 21:25-27). 

You will bear me witness that we are living in such time as mentioned in the above prophecy-signs in the sun and in the moon. The phenomena going on in the sun and its family of planets testify to the truth that something of the greatest magnitude is about to take place. The final war or battle between God and the devils in the sky. 

Allah (God), who has power over all things, is bringing the powers of the sun, moon and stars into display against His enemies. The fire of the sun to scorch and burn men and the vegetation and dry up the waters. The moon will eclipse her light to bring darkness upon man and upon man and upon all living things, to disrupt with her waves all air communications. The magnetic powers of the moon will bring about such tidal waves of seas and oceans as man has never witnessed before: the sea and the waves roaring. 

As men's hearts fail them with fear at the sea, looking upon great tidal waves coming toward them like mounts, they also shall see such a great display of power from Allah (God) in the sky that their hearts will fail. Great earthquakes never felt before since man was upon the earth will take place, say the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an says: "There will not be one city left that will not be leveled to the ground." Using this force against the enemies of Allah will make it impossible for them to survive. 

This is all known to this world, but why are they trying to build up a defense against God. It is useless. America has it coming. Look how she has been and still is mistreating her freed slaves (so-called Negroes). The foolish (so-called) Negro preachers and leaders want social equality with these, their enemies. The great distress of nations spoken or prophesied of coming in the above chapter and verses is now going on. confusion, confusion all over the Western world today. 

Should not it make you think that there is something of a very great importance going on among the nations of earth just to see the President leave his own country to visit another country during his tenure of office? They see the end of their world and they see the signs of the Son of Man coming in the sky with power and great glory (the great Ezekiel’s wheel and the unity of the Muslim world and the distress of nations).

The nations are so well armed today that one nation fears the attacking of the other, lest he set off the whole third world war. The so-called Negroes must awaken before it is too late. They think the white man’s Christianity will save them regardless to what, and they are gravely mistaken. They must know that the white man’s religion is not from God nor from Jesus or any other of the prophets. It is controlled by the white race and not by Almighty Allah (God). 

"The near event draws nigh, there shall be none besides Allah to remove it. Do you wonder at this announcement? And will you laugh and not weep? While you sport and play, so make obeisance to Allah and serve Him" (Holy Qur’an 53:57, 58, 59, 60). Let us remember another Qur’an saying: "None disputes concerning the communications of Allah (God) but those who disbelieve, therefore let not their going to and fro in the cities deceive you. The people of Noah and the parties after them  rejected prophets before them, and every nation purposed against their Apostle to destroy him and they disputed by means of the falsehood that they might thereby render null the truth. Therefore I destroyed them: how was then my retribution and thus did the word of your Lord prove true against those who disbelieved that they are the inmates of the fire" (Holy Qur’an 40:4-6).

Hurry and join onto your own kind. The time of this world is at hand.


Theology of Time (July 2, 1972)

In the Bible, you have a prophecy of a wheel in a wheel, in the Book of Ezekiel. This represents Ezekiel's wheel you've read about in the Bible. They actually have it up there. It's up there now and the devil knows it's up there. This is why he is continuing to go up there and make planes that can fly so swift, that if he could discover it in the skies, he would be able to shoot a rocket at it before they would know. He's making planes to search the space with the highest speed known to his scientists. And this wheel in a wheel that Ezekiel prophesied of, goes so high up in the air that it looked dreadful. 

This wheel is up in the air now. This is what they are now trying to locate from the Moon, that is, if they could get a good stationary place on the moon and watch for this plane. It will drop its bombs on the earth. It's height would be about 20 miles above the earth when they drop it. They will not get too far out of the atmosphere, because they want to use the atmosphere to help guide to his bombs. When it strikes the Earth, it will start drilling right into the Earth, because it's timed. It has a little motor on the bomb, so when it strikes the Earth, that motor automatically goes off and takes that bomb one mile into the Earth before it explodes. The explosion sends up a mountain one mile high. That's a powerful bomb. 

Allah taught me that, that's the same type of bomb that God used to make mountains on the earth; it's the same thing. It goes into the Earth with a very powerful steel motor like an air hammer. The bomb digs out nothing, it just sucks itself right into the Earth like an air hammer. It chisels down into the Earth. Yet, it's timed not to explode until it gets a mile into the Earth. In this bomb is the type of dynamite that they use to bring up the mountains like Mount Everest, mountain range, using very powerful dynamite. It's more powerful than America's using. America uses 30% dynamite, and these people have their bombs equipped with 100% dynamite today to blast just a few mountains across the continent of North America. These mountains coming up out of the Earth, from the blasting of the bombs, will kill people for 50 miles around from the crater and push up a mountain on each side. This will go into action when America start using her high explosives by dropping them from the air. This thing will come out and get her. 

This plane carries 1,500 of these small bombing planes. Each one of the bombing planes carries 3 bombs, and will take these bombs over a designated area, dropping them for covering and destroying 150 miles where they’re dropped. I want you to try and understand this. I want you to be looking out for it any day. I have seen that plane. It's a powerful plane. It can dart in the sky just like what's called flying saucers. The plane measures one mile right through it. Allah showed me the plane. If you find me lying on what I tell you of what He said, I'll give you $10,000 out of my brother’s vest pocket. If he doesn't happen to have it, I'll ask him to loan it to me and I'll pay you back. 

I saw this plane. This plane can move about in space so wisely; whereas, their way of trying to shoot them out of the sky will never catch them, because there are 4 or 5 scientists on this plane. The plane is a 1/2 a mile by a 1/2 mile. Those in this plane you may see look like us here. It can dart out of your eyesight so fast until it looks like nothing was there. You will see this plane one day, because it has a civilization on it. They stay up there a year and sometimes a year and a half in that plane. It's a wonderful thing. Dreadful looking plane. I’m not trying to deceive you. I'm trying to show you what you are going to see pretty soon. I stopped drawing this plane for years, but now, I think I should go back to it, because they seem to be up there fixing it up to come near the Earth. 

When America thinks that she's going after this plane – she admits she saw it – those scientists on the plane go to rush in and change America so that she can't come forward to the plane, then she can’t shoot it. 

Write in the paper if you want and tell the devil what I'm telling you. See if he'll try and deny it. They know it's out there. I sat down and I talked with them years ago about it. They asked me questions. They have the drawing on a blackboard that they'd taken from us when they arrested us and I had drawn the plane and written explanations on a blackboard, and they took it to the F.B.I. office. They have it there today. They know this to be true and they admit to me that it is true. But I say to you brothers and sisters, on the day when that plane is seen in the sky over America, make haste and run to some place. They’ll be 2 scientists on every 2 blocks, and they'll be guiding you, telling you where to go. 

Everything has been prepared while we were sleeping, to save us. That's a terrible thing though. There are little dots that you see in the circle of the plane [which] represents motors, great giant motors to carry this plane That plane is like Jesus was. 

Jesus was a scientist and he could tune in on you and I and tell what we are thinking. He could tell if whether the Jews would be planning to come to him. He’d tune up on them and listen to them. If they said they'd go this way, he’d go that way. That's why they never could catch him. He knew what the Jews were thinking about and knew what they were planning. 

Now they have 1 out of every 100 over there who could tune in on us over here, and tell us what we are thinking. Think over that. We’re a pretty smart people. You could do it yourself if you would take time, clear your mind and then go into some place where no one is around you, concentrate on nothing but that wheel or that brother, after a while, you'll hear what that brother is saying yourself, and maybe you'll hear the motors going in the wheel. 

It is not that we're such people that we have to wait to see everything happen before we know what's going to happen. We would not be Gods if we did not know what was going on around us among other than God. There is nothing strange about a few scientists. 1 or 2 may be in here, but you’d never know it. He’d bear me witness quickly. Yes, that this is true. 

Ezekiel looked up at it and said, “Oh wheel, oh wheel.” The wheel was so powerful to the man's imagination that he cried out, “Oh wheel.” Seeing that dreadful thing up in the sky and so far in the sky, he said it looked dreadful. These things are going into action now pretty soon. The time is up for them to go into action. 

You and I being brothers, with me walking around you day and night with the knowledge of these things and don't tell you, you will hold me responsible saying, “Why didn't you tell me?”  I'd say, “Well, you wouldn't have believed me no way.” “Well why didn't you tell me anyway, let us just disbelieve, that wouldn't have been your fault.” And actually, you would be right. So I'm not going to let you come tell me that. I'm going to tell you these things now.

There is 2 certain places on our Earth that I'm bound to tell you about, but I was not told to tell you. Since the time is here just about to drop that bomb from that plane to destroy our enemies, I am going to soon tell you. There are 2 places on our planet that have been made for the purpose of hiding people and they can stay there a long time, long old time and you will never know they are there. It is not so secret that I shouldn't tell you, but I'm not going to say so this evening, because I'm going home, I will think over it and ask Allah if I should say these things, and if I should reveal to them what he has revealed to me. 

The revelation of the end of the world and what's said of the destruction of the people is here now and they'll get in such a way as a surprise. As The Holy Qur’an refers to it, “Even the Earth will act like a revelation has been received by her.” All of these things is to make known to this world that they are not the God over the other world. This is what these things are coming to mean. Try and get out of the name of the white man as fast as you can. God said that the devil's names will be destroyed with him. God will give you and me a name that will live forever. Muhammad, that name will be here a billion years to come. We have names, as he taught me, some of them are great long names, which are three or four inches long, but he said we didn't need all that name. The names he gives to us are much shorter than the old names that our people use to go in. This is where, I think, Jews got some of their long names. We also have some long names in the Bible. 

God and I love you so much that he sent me to tell you that which is to make Gods out of you. You say, “I know I will never be a God.” Yes, you already are a God. 

I almost tremble when I see you out there fighting the devil and then go tell the devil to heal you. I wants a place where your own people can work on you. If you will just follow me and give what you can, we will soon have these things. In fact, if we have a million people here in Chicago only give us a dollar a piece, we would have a million dollars every week, then we could build what we want without begging people for it. If only we'd give half that much, we soon will have the Southside on the by black people. 

Elijah don't want nothing personally. He wants something that he can divide. The only thing I want personally is my wife. 

My friends, there is a lot of trouble on its way to America and I don't want you to be the loser. America, her friends are going away from her and have become enemies. They all are looking towards America with murder. Let's go and take her. Just like the Bible teaches you there in Ezekiel; let us go up and rise up and take hold of her, take her at Noonday, anytime that she is not expecting us. This is what they are talking about. You thought Pearl Harbor was terrible. Pearl Harbor would be like a gang of boys playing, compared to what they fixed up to come against America. This is Dreadful to talk about, especially when you know it like I do. I know what the God plans to do to America. I know that, but I can't tell you all of these things lest you go and talk too much.


Theology of Time (July 9, 1972)

This wheel has 1,500 little planes. It has 1,500 of them on it to drop off on America. They will go a height over North America and will drop these bombs. They will save 3 of these bombs to drop on England. It will only take just 3 of them to rip England apart. I’m not trying to frighten you to believe, that’s immaterial to me. I’m only telling you what was told to me by God to tell you, before these things take place. 

The plane will make one trip across America and drop her bombs and when she drops one, she knows the distance of which the explosion will take effect, then 3 of these planes will be sent to the British Island to take care of England. Believe in what I’m saying or wait around a few days.

This plane will go above the Earth 40 miles to unload those bombs on America. She’ll get up 40 miles. “Oh, we have jets that fly that,” right! Brother, when this plane unloads her deadly destruction, you won’t have no planes up there. No, they won’t fly up there with your jets. They’re going to get rid of your jets on the ground first. “How are they going to do that Mr. Muhammad?”

They’ll do it like this: First thing they will do is destroy all of America’s airplane bases. They will also destroy her planes that you see flying at the speed of sound. They will get rid of them first.


Muhammad Speaks (May 25, 1973)

The Bible and Holy Qur’an, both books, refer to the final war between God and the devil that would be decided in the sky. The white race was given the authority and power and 6,000 years to rule us, the Black Nation of earth, but at the end of 6,000, years there would be a great time of trouble and a great display of the signs of this final war between God and the white race (the devil). 

These signs would serve as a warning to us and what we may expect. And, as we see today, they are coming to pass. And, all of the other signs and prophecies of such signs appearing just around that time of the ending and destruction of the world of evil (the white race) and the displaying of these signs, as Jesus mentioned some in the Heavens and some on the earth; and the preparation to be made for a final battle between God and the devil. 

The white man has conquered both land and sea travel. The sea used to serve as a barrier against him. But now the white man has conquered her. The white man now can go over her surface in the worst of storms, and he can go through her with under-surface boats as well (submarines). Now the white man has cast his eyes into space (the sky), to conquer it, and he is doing that. The white race, having knowledge of what they may expect today, they are spending billions of dollars on space travel. He has now brought the moon to him and seen some of the stars. The main thing I guess you are thinking is: Can he win against God, if God and His Prophets have foretold the outcome of this battle in the sky? It is impossible for the white race to win. What makes it impossible for them to win is because they have not the power of the forces of nature, while the power of the forces of nature is in the Hand of God making it impossible for the white man to win in a war of this sort. 

The white man cannot win against the God on earth, so why waste billions of dollars to fight against the God Who Has Power Over The Heavens And Earth? Why all of this hurry to try to ascend into the Heavens for a close-up peek into the planets when you are destined to be defeated? Both books (Bible, Holy Qur’an) prophesy of a great defeat for you. The Holy Qur’an refers to the Heavens as being a "guarded canopy" and, warns you that they have a flame waiting for you. 

Also, the Bible prophesies in Revelations (the last book of the Bible), that fire was used to destroy the white race after they ascended on the breath of the earth (air). So we see them going up on the breath of the earth daily. What is their plan for wanting to land on the moon since they know they cannot make the moon their home? The white man would have to continue to live off the earth's air (oxygen and hydrogen). 

The earth would still have to produce all their food for them. So, it is useless to think of any planet other than the earth as a home for earth people. Then, why are they spending billions of dollars just to go and look at these planets, or to try to land people on the moon? What are their plans for Mars and Venus since they cannot live on these planets? 

Do they think these planets serve as great fortifications of God and they could cast their bombs on these planets and destroy them? Or, do they fear attacks upon themselves coming from these planets? 

No, this is not necessary. The white man is not that great in the eyes of God. The earth has all the weapons necessary to destroy the white man and the white man cannot leave the earth's surface unless it Pleases Allah (God). Allah Has Power over the very life veins of the body. Allah Has Power over the brain cells of our body. 

Just what do they have in mind in wanting to go to the moon, since they cannot live there very long even if they get there? It is very expensive to feed and water people on the moon. Though quite a bit could be carried there, what do they have in mind? 

Do they think that they could fight God from the moon? Just remember, the old Bible's prophecy: Thou may ascend above the clouds into the Heavens, but yet I will bring thee down to the sides of Hell. Or, you may go on the bottom of the sea and that they are doing today. 

The Holy Qur’an further says that whenever God gets ready to destroy a people, He opens up the heavens for them and gives them the pleasure of what they seek or lust after. And, then He destroys them. The Holy Qur’an further prophecies that the Heavens would be open to this people and the veil of every secret would be removed. This prophecy does not mean that the white man will, after that, be able to win against God in a battle between them and God.


Muhammad Speaks (June 8, 1973)

In the battle in the sky, it is scientifically clear that the Wheel, the Mother Plane, will be the victor due to the fact that nature has given anyone the advantage over the other, if the other is not able to produce the type of weapon that is needed to overcome the attack of that one (the enemy). 

When the Prophet Ezekiel (Bible) saw this battle in the sky and saw the Wheel, the Mother Plane, that would be the victor, it has encouraged us, the Black Nation, to have confidence in the victory of that Wheel (Mother Plane). 

When the Prophet Ezekiel saw the vision of this Wheel (Mother Plane), Ezekiel became a little excited in his words. Ezekiel said, "Oh, wheel. Oh, Wheel." The Saviour affirmed it. The Wheel, the Mother Ship, is one of the greatest wonders of man, in making military weapons. The Black Scientists knew at the time that they built the Mother Ship, that the Mother Ship and its well-trained crew would have to fight with her and the other Nations of the earth. 

The well-trained crew of the Mother Ship, the Wheel, can dodge the enemy and make the enemy to look for the Wheel, where the Wheel is not. As the word goes, the crew of the Wheel can elude the enemy, anywhere in the sky that this crew desires to elude them. When actual fighting has been declared against the armies of the Planet Earth, the enemy will never get near enough to do any harm to the Wheel. Actually, the Wheel, the Mother Ship, serves as a carrier for 1,500 deadly prepared planes with which to visit mankind on Planet Earth. 

Do not look for the Wheel, the Mother Plane, because it is not out there for you to find it where you are looking for it. I am so happy that Allah (God) has prepared this unmatchable weapon to save us, the Black People! It carries supplies for the crew of this made Wheel-like is something to marvel at! The battle in the sky! 

As the Black Man has been on the Planet Earth for billions and trillions of years, and the Black Man has been here that long, and there is no doubt about it! Do you think that the Black Man will allow the made man (the white race) that has been on the Planet Earth for only 6,000 years, to out-wit the Black nation in any war whether it be physical or mental? If I was the white man I would just give up and not try to fight and old ancient people who were here before the white man's father (Yakub) thought of making the white race. There is plenty that we will be discussing about this Wheel in The Battle In The Sky!


Muhammad Speaks (August 3, 1973)

What can we expect at the end of the War...paradise or hell? See Bible, Dan. 9:26, 27. "...and at the end of the war desolations are determined...and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." This is like saying do not expect healing ointment to be poured on the sore that has been made. You will not get healing ointment. Instead, you will get a worse sore. With trying to find a job for the unemployed soldiers who are returning from the war zone (if they have a chance to return) this will be one of the worst headaches for the government, that she has ever received. 

With unemployment mounting so fast, it will create revolution. And everybody will want to divide the government up into pieces and every leader will want to grab a piece, for his part, to try to muster some kind of government, patterned after his own way of thinking. 

Desolation... if we are going to suffer deprivation in a country that has been the pride of the nations, this will make it altogether worse, for everybody will be thinking about the way that they used to live, and the freedom and the privileges that they used to have. And this will make anger rise up in the midst. 

What I am trying to show you is that the Prophet Daniel cannot be wrong, because this 'desolation that is determined to be poured on the most desolate,' is aimed at the place in which we now live. And just remember, that you cannot expect paradise, here when such condition of desolation is headed toward America. And since we cannot make Prophets' words, other than the truth, we expect this desolation, and we are receiving this desolation, now. 

And the way to hasten such desolation is to confuse the heads of government. And if we see this confusion of the heads of government, as plain as the five (5) fingers on our hand-and if we have only on (1) finger on our hand, we can see that the government is confused and cannot find a way out, in peace with itself-daily and nightly, we see and hear what they are doing. 

It is a confused time of the governments, of which the citizens look to, for guidance. And how can the head guide, if it is not at peace with itself? Everybody regrets talking about the woe that is heading toward America and the woe that is in America. But, America brought this woe upon herself, by not doing Justice to her Black slaves. 

Allah (God) wants to pay America for her injustice to her lowly Black slave. Allah (God) is not bringing this woe on America because of her injustice to nations outside of America. He is paying America for her injustice to we, the poor Black man in America, the Black slave! 

America has not received much woe yet, for how she killed outright, the poor Black Man in the south (Georgia). America has hated her Black slave worse than she hates rattlesnakes. America has given her Black slave every evil and indecent name that she could think of while yet her Black slave has been her safety ground. America does not want to admit to her trouble for her Black slave is still here. But, there will be no jobs for anybody. One calamity after another, befalling America. When she thinks that one calamity is going out, another is just entering! These constant calamities will continue until America is on her hands and knees admitting that Allah-u-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). 

Every prophesy of the prophets, prophesying of destruction, is aimed at America. This is dreadful and awful trouble that is Divinely focused at America. I say to you, my black Brothers and Black sisters, Seek refuge in Allah. Fly to Allah. Come Follow me. I ask you to help me, to help you. But, you would rather see your money fall dead in the white man's hands than to offer it to me to try to help make some bread out of the earth for you. Remember,"...the end of the war desolations are determined." Keep waiting with your disbelief and doubt. You shall soon come to know that what Elijah Muhammad, has said to you, is most certainly the truth!


Muhammad Speaks (August 24, 1973)

This is a continuation of the deadly Wheel Plane (the Mother Ship) that the Prophet Ezekiel had a vision of, in the 1st Chapter of the Book in the Bible, which is entitled by the name, Ezekiel. 

It has been over 2,000 years since the revelation of the Book, entitled Ezekiel. In this article we are about to go into the analyzation of Ezekiel's vision of a great Wheel. (Bible) The Bible scholars are a little confused over an exact date of Ezekiel's vision of the Wheel. Some of the Bible scholars are actually doubtful whether or not, there was an Ezekiel, living or not. They arrive at their various conclusions concerning the Book of Ezekiel and whether or not he was a living prophet or whether the Book of Ezekiel is a vision of a Prophet, or not, because of the style of the writing, of the Book. 

Ezekiel is called a Priest in the chapter 1, verse 3 (bible). In Ezekiel 1:1, Ezekiel said that he was by the river Chebar, in the land of the Chaldeans. Ezekiel refers to 'the spirit of the Lord,' and "the hand of the Lord..." being upon him. 

In the same, chap. 1:4 (Bible) Ezekiel said that he looked, "...and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself..." This fire that Ezekiel saw coming out of the north enfolding itself, cannot refer to anything other than the nations of the north being united together.  

Ezekiel, Chap. 1:5: And out of the midst of the fire enfolding itself "...came the likeness of four living creatures." and the appearance of these four living creatures; "...they had the likeness of a man." Since there were four living creatures, Ezekiel, should have said that they had the likeness of 'men'. But, instead, Ezekiel said, "they had the likeness of a man." singling these four appearances, to be referring to one man. Ezekiel, Chap. 1:6; "And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot:..." A calf has a split foot. "...and they (feet) sparkled like the colour of burnished brass."

As Ezekiel has reference to a man having a cattle-like foot, this would actually refer to the man's rate of speed of travel. A calf cannot travel very fast. And the split-hoof would show that Ezekiel is referring to a people who have not been able to move fast, due to their traveling being impeded by an unlike-natural way. 

If this has reference to a man, and the man has a calf-like or ox-like foot, this has reference to the slowness of the Black once-slave whose foot was shackled by his white slave-master, to keep the slave from running away from his master. The striking of stones by the feet of animals have been known to give off sparkle, and this "sparkle like the colour of burnished brass." This shows that the treading of the man... wherever he treaded, the man produces valuable metal, like brass ore is smelted, made and used for the building of civilizations. 

Ezekiel 1:8. And yet this man with animal-like feet has "...the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings." Ezekiel 1:9: "Their wings were joined one to another;..." If it is referring to the wings of a plane, then the analyzation is clear, even to being joined one (wing) to another (wing). There, Ezekiel (1:10) plainly ekes out to us something to give a better analysis of his vision, for he said, "As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man,..." 

If Ezekiel is talking about a man, we can get onto the straight way of giving his vision some likeness to the people, because Ezekiel is not altogether talking about metal, wood, iron and animals. Ezekiel Chap. 1:10 shows we now have to go and change what’s referring to other than man is really referring to man. Ezekiel also says that they had the "...face of a lion on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left; and the four also had the face of an eagle." 


Muhammad Speaks (August 31, 1973)

This description of the face means that the people and their character is like a lion, and their flight is like the flight of an eagle. the lion is the most fearless of all of the beasts of the jungle.

The lion is the most fearless of both animal and beast. And the people, the Black People, when once fear has been removed from them,-they take on the characteristics of a lion! As Ezekiel says here in Chap. 1:10, the four creatures had these faces:...the face of a lion, on the right side: and the face on the left side was like an ox. 

Since the lion is fearless and quick, he can attack instantly. This is referring to the Black Man. And as 'his face is as an ox on the left side,' this refers to the strength of the Black Man, when it comes to his enemy. 

The Black Man's enemy is said to be on his left side, because the enemy cannot be said to be on his right side. His enemy must be on his left side, therefore, on the left side is where the Black Man needs force and strength with which to remove his enemy. 

So, the Black Man is pictured as an ox on the left side, because he must be powerful enough on his left side to defend himself with strength and power. Ezekiel Chap. 1:11 says that the wings were pointed upward. This means that the black man has to go up in order to attack his enemy. 'The Battle In The Sky'...because the Black man and the enemy of the Resurrection will settle their differences in the air. Ezekiel foresaw this. 

As you notice, Ezekiel Chap. 1:11 gives the description of these wings "...two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies."...having about six wings... these represent planes. 

Ezekiel Chap. 1:12: "And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went." This means that the creatures were given certain orders and they did not disobey the orders that were given to them. 

"Whither the spirit was to go, they went." This means that where the True Spirit of God and His Word was intended to go to a people, these Cherubims (angels) were the carriers of the Word. Ezekiel Chap. 1:13: Ezekiel said, "As for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; (the people)." This fire going up and down among the living creatures (people) this refers to the anger of the creatures, for Ezekiel says here (Chap. 1:13) "...And out of the fire went forth lightning." This is true of nature. 

But, as this lightning here, is from the living creatures (the people) it could refer to the swiftness of a bomb, which is like lightning. Ezekiel Chap. 1:13: "And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of flash of lightning." As they have swift ways of moving from the Wheel and into the Wheel and to the casement, then they are prepared to go in and out of the Wheel (Mother Plane) like lightning. For if he goes outside to drop a bomb, he must hasten himself away from where he dropped the bomb in order to keep the enemy from attacking him. 

Ezekiel chap. 1:15 says: "...behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces." This four faces could represent the color of the people that the Wheel and its crew seeks to defend, as we have races Black, Brown, Yellow, and Red. These four are the major colors of the Black Man.  Ezekiel Chap 1:16 says that the Wheel "was as it were a Wheel in the middle of a Wheel." Ezekiel Chap. 1:17: This Wheel went upward "upon their four sides." This means that the Wheel could fly either way. On either side of the Wheel it could fly. Ezekiel Chap. 1:18: "As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four." 

This verse means that the knowledge of the four nations was like faces full of eyes, in every direction that you look at them you see faces with eyes.


Muhammad Speaks (September 7, 1973)

These faces represent the four nations which make up the Black Man. It means that the Spirit of God is now covering the Nation of the Black Man. In every direction it is the Face of God, and the Spirit of God, moving into the people, the same as the spirit of Yakub, the maker of the white race (the devil), moved into all of his newborn creatures (people) that Yakub was grafting. 

In Ezekiel's vision of the Wheel (Bible), the people on the Wheel were referred to as 'creatures' and every move by the Wheel and the people of the Wheel was of a swift movement and of a direction that was made by God Himself, for them. 

And they had the Spirit of God in them. They are referred to as 'living creatures.' The limitation of their lives; their life span, is not mentioned. Ezekiel Chap. 1:19: "...and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up." Ezekiel Chap. 1:20: "Whither so ever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go ; and the wheel were lifted up..." The wheels mentioned here could even be referring to people. Wherever they (the Wheels, the people) went it was the Purpose of Allah (God). 

We take the Spirit here to mean the Aims and Purpose of Allah and that faith for carrying out His Aims and Purpose, as we understand, from what we read of this Wheel. The Wheel is in fact a ship (plane) made like a wheel. And it is made for the Purpose of Allah (God) carrying out His Aim upon this world. This Wheel is by no means to be taken lightly! After the Wheel has done its work it will have made way for a New World to be built under the Eyes and Guidance of Allah (God). 

The Wheel is so wonderful that even the prophet had to declare it in these words, "O Wheel, O Wheel" meaning that he is admiring his vision that he was receiving from Allah (God). The Wheel is the most wonderful and the most miraculous mechanical building of plane that has ever been imagined by man. The planes on this Wheel will be sent down, earthward, and are capable of destroying the world almost at once. The Wheel, (the Mother Plane) is capable of carrying many people in it! The wheel is 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile in size. 

The Wheel is capable of sitting up above earth's atmosphere for a whole year before coming down into earth's atmosphere to take on more oxygen and hydrogen for the people who are on this plane (the Wheel). Oh she is a wonderful thing!

The planes that she uses to send earthward are so swift that they can make their flight and return their plane to the Wheel, the Mother Plane, almost like a flash of lightning. O Wheel! Think over it! After trillions of years should we let a baby, only six months old (6,000 years old) outwit us? This I say to those ignorant people of mine. I do not say this to the white man, for the white man knows, too.

But, it is our Black People who the white man is desirous to keep dumb to the Power of our God, Allah. But, think over it! If the Black Man created the heavens and the earth...AND THE BLACK MAN DID CREATE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH...then what man is fool enough to challenge the Black Man.

But, in a twinkling of an eye, Allah (God) can take away the heavens and the earth, not to think over few little people just made six days ago (6,000 years ago). O Wheel, the greatest most miraculous plane ever built. There never was such a plane made before this Wheel. There never was a need for such a plane before now.

You may wish Mr. Enemy that you could get a shot at the Wheel with your jet planes and other military weapons, but you should just go home and go to sleep. No one can harm this plane, the Wheel. They are going to fix you up first, before the Wheel ever comes into sight! 

You cannot live on the moon, only just so long as your oxygen and hydrogen last you. The moon is about the closest platform that I know of, that you could probably try to use. Venus and cannot use Venus and Mars. The people on Mars will not let you light (land) on Mars. If they do let you land on Mars, they will be silly to do so. 

You would like to see what the people on Mars look like. That is not, say, impossible. O WHEEL...the greatest mechanical defender, powered by the Spirit of Allah, to protect us, the Black People on the face of the earth.


Muhammad Speaks (September 14, 1973)

Because of the great and powerful work of this great Wheel, it lifts up wheels (people). This lifting of wheels could be referred to as small nations of the Black Man nations who have been crushed by the wheel of enslavement, by the white slave masters.

Ezekiel, Chap. 1:21...the unity of the Wheel. "When those went, these went; and when those stood and when those were lifted up from the earth,..." Which means people to be lifted up to higher places of position in the human families of the earth. Ezekiel, Chap. 1:24...The great noise that Ezekiel said he heard, "And then they (the wheels) went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech,..." This gives us the knowledge that his is the work of the Almighty, in the Last Days-the work of lifting up the people who were under the foot of others. Ezekiel, Chap. 1:25..."And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood..." Here, Ezekiel did not tell us what the Voice said. He did not give us the answer. He only said that it was a Voice from the firmament. 


Muhammad Speaks (September 21, 1973)

We continue, from last week, the analysis of Ezekiel's Wheel. In Ezekiel, Chap. 1:25, the prophet Ezekiel described winged creatures that he saw. Do not be foolish enough to think that these creatures that Ezekiel describes and which he refers to as 'living creatures,' have feathery wings. They did not have feathery wings that they let down. 

In this vision of the Wheel, or plane, this plane is built so unlike the other planes that we could call it a mystery Wheel to what we had heretofore known! Ezekiel, Chap. 1:26, "And above the firmament that was over their heads was a likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it." 

In Ezekiel's Vision, 'the Voice that he heard coming from the firmament that was over their heads,' this really is referring to the future of the work of Plane's Master. The Voice is the Voice of the Master of the Plane. 

And the Voice is described as being above the Plane. If the Voice is heard above the Plane then what was the voice in, or on? Was this Voice on another plane or on another Wheel? In verse 26 (Ezekiel, Chap. 1:26, Bible) Ezekiel describes seeing something above the Wheel, (Plane) in his vision something, a throne, as having the appearance of a sapphire stone. And upon this stone that was the likeness of a throne, was the likeness as the appearance of a man above it. 

Ezekiel, Chap. 1:27, "And I saw the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about it." 

Ezekiel, Chap. 1:28, "As the appearance of the bow (rainbow) that is in the cloud in the day of rain..." As Ezekiel says, with the appearance of a man with all of this science on him and the dividing of him-an upper and a lower part of him, he said, "It was as it were the appearance of fire..." from the first description of the Wheel. It teaches the reader that the Wheel is designed for war purposes. 

The Wheel is one of the most mysterious wheels that the world has ever dreamed of, in the way of military science. I say military science. This is exactly what the Wheel is. It is a Wheel that is made to do military work. 

By what Ezekiel said now, about the appearance of it, there is no doubt about the interpretation of this Wheel... that is military built, for war purposes, and that the Wheel is guided especially by the desire of God Almighty. 

As we continue to analyze verse 28, Ezekiel describes the frightfulness of the Wheel as the appearance of "...the likeness of the glory of the Lord." This brings us into Divine Spirit of God in the making of the Wheel. So much proves the Wheel to be Divine Work, that Ezekiel, in the 28th verse, said that when he saw it, he fell upon his face... But, Ezekiel said that he 'heard a Voice of one that spoke.' 

Note how Ezekiel gives this to us, "One that spoke." What One that speaks? We all speak! Ezekiel, Chap. 2:1, "And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee." Here comes to us that a Divine Mission is going into the interpretation of the Plane (Wheel). Ezekiel adds, "...He said unto me. Son of man..." 

This refers to a prophet of God are both in the Wheel taking it over. And God advises the Son of man (Prophet Ezekiel) to "stand upon his feet..." for in the verse above (Ezekiel, Chap. 1:28) Ezekiel said that he had 'fallen upon his face.'

The Spirit of God entered into Ezekiel and set him on his feet (Ezekiel, Chap. 2:2) This is the mission of the Prophet of God. And the God must make the Prophet who He has now missioned, aware of the protection against the enemy and the warring work that will be carried out, by the Wheel. 

Ezekiel Chap. 2:3 says that Ezekiel is sent to "the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation..." Ezekiel, Chap. 2:3 describes them to be "impudent and stiff-headed." This verse is referring to the Black People in America! But, the Black People in America must be warned whether they will hear or not. "They are a rebellious people" called 'a house' which means a nation (Ezekiel, Chap. 2:5). 

They must be warned regardless to what type of people they may be. They must know the truth. "...yet shall know that there has been a prophet among them (Ezekiel, Chap. 2:5)." They (the Black People in America) must be warned as all of the People of God were warned the same. They are terrible people. They are dangerous people, as the prophet is warned, (Ezekiel, Chap. 2:6) " not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words..." They speak stout words, disgraceful words, against the truth and the truth-bearer. 

Ezekiel, Chap. 2:6 (continued), " not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house (nation).

It is the Black Man in America who is described here in this scripture. This is what he is. He is like scorpions where the Messenger of God (Prophet) is. This is a terrible thing, but you have proof of it here. He (The Messenger) is warned that he is living with people who are like a scorpion. A scorpion will sting and he will bite. A scorpion will do both. "Be not afraid of their words." They are always planning and saying evil and anonymous things against the Messenger. They look like they are very dangerous but the Messenger is not to be afraid of their looks. The Messenger must speak the words of God to them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear...(Ezekiel, Chap. 2:7). The Messenger is warning you, here is what God said to him. Ezekiel, Chap. 2:8 tells the Messenger not to be rebellious "like that rebellious house (people): open your mouth and eat that I give thee! (What the mouth of the Lord give thee)." Ezekiel, (The Messenger) saw his mission coming to him in the roll of a book (Ezekiel, Chap. 2:10) "And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe (that went along with the book)." 

The Messenger's mission here in Ezekiel, Chapters 2 and 3 is similar to the mission given to the Messenger in the Revelation of John, which refers to the bitterness and the sweetness, the good and the bad, of his mission. In Ezekiel, Chap. 3:5, God makes it clear to the Messenger "...thou are not sent to a people of strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel (to your own people)." 

This portion of the "Wheel" is taken from "Message To The Blackman," pages 290-294 as follows, taught and written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (PBUH). Certain words may be found to be alike in different places of his writings, but, in this, he is only making clear his explanation of the "Wheel."


The Fall of America (Chapter 58)

The Mother Plane was made to destroy this world of evil and to show the wisdom and mighty power of the God Whom came to destroy an old world and set up a new world. The nature of the new world is righteousness. The nature of the new world cannot be righteousness, as long as unrighteousness is in its midst. The same type of plane was used by the Original God to put mountains on His planets. Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, is wiser than any god before Him as the Bible and the Holy Qur’an teach us. He taught me that this place will be used to raise mountains on this planet (earth). The mountains that He will put on this earth will not be very high. He will raise these mountains to a height of one mile over the United States of America. This reminds us of the prophet’s prediction of this time of the destruction of the old world and the bringing in of a new world: "Behold, the Lord, maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof." (Bible Isaiah 24,1) There are planes in various nations today, but this is the mother of them all. Why? Because this type of plane was used before the making of this world. Why should God make such a sign of His power to destroy a nation? Because this is the final destruction of that people who have opposed God in His purpose and aims for Justice and Righteousness. The white race is not a people who were made righteous and then turned to unrighteousness; they were made unrighteous by the god who made them (Mr. Yakub). Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that this Plane is capable of reaching a height of forty miles above the earth. His words could have been a sign meaning forty years, in which the Plane would go into action and not referring actually to forty miles. 

Allah (God) does not speak one word that does not have meaning. Every word that He speaks has meaning. The Mother Plane, according to what has been described of it by the devil scientists, is capable of not only staying up for long periods of time; but it is also capable of eluding the scientists. They want to attack and destroy it; but if a plane did get close enough to attempt to carry out this purpose, it would be destroyed instead. The white man has learned that this is not a place to be played with. Planes come out of the Mother Plane. In the 1930's Canadian newspapers reported that they saw the wheel (Mother Plane). It came down out of the sky. They admitted that it looked like a great city, and that something came down from it; it appeared to be a tube, but the tube-like thing went back up again. Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that after six months to a year, the Mother Plane comes into the gravity of the earth. It takes on oxygen and hydrogen in order to permit it to stay out of the earth’s gravity until it needs refueling again.


Ezekiel saw the Mother Plane in a vision. According to the Bible, he looked up and saw this Plane (Ezekiel 1,16) and he called it a wheel because it was made like a wheel. A Plane that is wheel-shaped can turn in any direction, at any time. He admitted that the Plane was so high that it looked dreadful, and he cried out, "O wheel" (Ezekiel 10,13). Ezekiel saw great work going on in the wheel and four living creatures "and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel." (Ezekiel 1,16). And when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels, were lifted up Ezekiel 1,19. The power of the lifting up of the four creatures was in the wheel. The four creatures represents the four colors of the original people of the earth. There are five great powers of the nations of the earth. These five Powers are the Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and white. Of the four Original Powers, the Red is not an equal Power. The vision shows the four creatures being lifted up from the earth. When the wheel was lifted up, they were lifted up and when the wheel stood, they stood. This means that they waited upon the movement of the wheel. In Ezekiel’s vision concerning the wheel, he said that he heard the voice of one tell the other to take coals of fire and to scatter it over the cities; this means bombs. 

It could mean fire too, however. The Plane is to drop bombs which would automatically be timed to burrow quickly to a position of one mile below the surface of the earth where they are timed to explode. Allah (God) taught me that these bombs are not to be dropped into water. They are to be dropped only on the cities. It will be the work of the wheel. The wheel is the power of the four creatures, namely the four colors of the Black man (Black, brown, yellow and red). The red Indian is to benefit also from the judgment of the world. We must remember that God comes to separate from the righteous that which is hindering the righteous from making progress and to destroy the effect of the poison of that which has opposed the righteous. The effect of the poison will be fully destroyed after the destruction of the source of the poison, which as poisoned the righteous. It is like one being bitten by a rattlesnake. Quickly medication is administered in order to minimize the effect of the poison upon flesh and blood until a complete cure is effected; and the patient recuperates and is well again. It is useless to try to ignore Ezekiel’s vision of the wheel, for the make and the destructive work of the wheel was foretold before it came to pass. The disbeliever believes that which he sees present and not that which is prophesied to come. That is why he is the loser and takes the course to hell, because he disbelieves in that which is prophesied to come about a particular day. This is what the enemy is trying to do today with the Black Man. He is fascinating him with sport and play and indecency and the doing of evil to keep him from going to the God Who is present. You never thought the day would come when you would see your wife, mother and old grey-haired women walking down the street today, half-nude. A few years ago they would not have dared to come out into the public like that. But now they do so because the devil has put his approval on this kind of attire. They desire to please the devil. They do whatever the devil bids them to do. The devil desires to take the Black man with him to his doom. Let us not classify the prophets as liars and ignore their prophecies for we may cause our self-destruction through belief in the devil instead of belief in the God of Righteousness. There is no known equal of the Mother Plane. This is the reason why she is called the Mother Plane. 

The Mother Plane is made for the purpose of destroying the present world. She has no equal. Do not marvel at the make of this plane, since it is from the God Who made the universe of floating planets and stars which are supported only by the Power of Allah in their rotation in their orbits. Allah (God) Whom came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that the Mother plane is a little human-made planet. Is it not simple for Allah (God) to make a new planet if He wants to? The Mother Plane is capable of staying out of the earth’s gravity for a whole year. He is capable of producing her own sphere of oxygen and hydrogen, as any other planet is able to do. The Mother Plane carries the same type of bomb on her that our Black scientists dropped on the planet earth to bring up mountains out of the earth after the planet earth was created. The knowledge of how to do this has not been given to the world (white race), nor will they ever get this kind of knowledge. The knowledge of the world is limited. If the devil would get this type of knowledge we could just say that we are goners. However, they are not able to attain this type of knowledge. What does a six day old baby (white race) look like trying to compete with a six year old child (Black Nation)? For the six year old child can run all out in the yard and play. He can eat solid food. The power of the six day old baby is limited. The knowledge and power of this world’s life (white race) is limited. The world of the white man was made from what he found and what he has seen and learned from the work of the original Black man. The white race is far from being able to equal the power and wisdom of the original Black man. The Mother Plane and her work is a display of the power of the mightiest God, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever. Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, is the Wisest and Best Knower; He is the Mightiest of Them All. 

"O wheel," says the prophet Ezekiel. She was so high up in the sky that she looked dreadful. 

She is capable of staying away from you who plan the destruction of her. She is capable of confusing you who would try to reach her with your means of destruction. There are scientists on the Mother Plane who know what you are thinking about before the thought materializes (Holy Qur’an Chapter 50,16). Therefore, it is impossible to try to attack the Mother Plane. She can attack you, but you cannot attack her. The Mother Plane can hide behind other stars and make herself invisible to the eye because she does not have to wait on a power from the earth. She can produce her own power to go wherever she desires to go in space. The Mother Plane is not like your little bullets or cameras which are powered by your limited power. The Bible prophesies that today Allah (God) wishes to make known to use that He is God. He wishes to be respected as the superior God. He wishes all life in the universe to know that He is the greatest. The Muslim recognizes Allah (God) to be the greatest. He always repeats "Thou art the greatest. There is no god Like unto Thee, None deserves to be served or worshiped besides thee." O mighty wheel. I repeat, that there is plenty of significance to the make of the Mother Plane. There is much significance to the course of operation of her work. Space here in this book is limited, but what Allah (God) taught me concerning the Mother Plane could be put into book-form. O wheel, made to rock the earth and to heave up mountains upon the earth. O wheel, destroyer of nations. No wonder the prophet Isaiah prophesied that the "earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard..." (Bible; Isaiah 24,20). Let us seek refuge in Allah (God) from the destructive work to come from this Mother of planes. 


How to Eat to Live: Book 2


Lost Lessons